Old dryer booster fans
Recently I completed a large job for a Vancouver strata building. They had a few dryer booster fans that had started to fail. The building is 20 years old, so the fans are also 20 years old.
So they had me replace all the old dryer booster fans. This big job generated a fair bit of waste. This includes packaging for the new fans, old metal and also the old dryer booster fans. I hate to send waste to the landfill. So over the course of the project I separated all the material and made several trips to the local recycling facilities. Thankfully they’re close by.
Every time I repair, replace or install a booster fan, I sort out all the recyclable material. I also try to only replace fans when absolutely necessary. Many types of booster fans are good quality and can be repaired over replacing. This saves on waste. Unfortunately many of the types of dryer booster fans installed in recent years are of low quality and tend to break more frequently.
For more information on dryer booster fans visit dryerboosterfan.ca or read all about them here at masduct.com/dryer-vent-booster-fan